[cmake-developers] BundleUtilities Copy Framework

Simon Wells swel024 at gmail.com
Sat May 28 23:18:36 EDT 2016

Currently BundleUtilities will only copy the binary and the resources
directory of frameworks, This may not include any other dependencies
in the binary folder. This is immediately apparent with
Python.framework and will not copy over the standard python files.

I tried using the copy_full_framework but as that traverses all
symlinks it makes the framework 5x the size it needs to be (about
900MB)... Would it not be better for copy framework to copy over the
version folder from x.framework/Versions/-VERSION- and then create the
symlinks for which the code already exists?

I am currently making a patch but thought i would see if anyone had
any cases where this is not valid, And is the cmake module meant to
work around frameworks that don't follow apples framework structure as
seen here https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Concepts/FrameworkAnatomy.html
except in cases like Qt where they just put Info.plist in the wrong
place that is easy to fix

If someone knows of a system framework that doesn't follow the bundle
structure as provided by apple it will allow me to test for issues
with my code



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