[cmake-developers] Add CXX_STANDARD support for Intel C++ compilers

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Nov 17 15:12:12 EST 2015

On 11/17/2015 01:13 PM, Levi Morrison wrote:
> I have updated Modules/Compiler/Intel-CXX-FeatureTests.cmake.


> I'm not sure how to edit Tests/CompileFeatures/CMakeLists.txt, though.
> I don't even know what half of this file is trying to accomplish.
> It seems like it is pure duplication of work; these checks are saying
> EXPECT_C_STATIC_ASSERT=1 if some compiler conditions are true but
> I already encoded that information in Intel-CXX-FeatureTests.cmake

It is duplicated because the test memorizes the answers to make sure
the detection works for known cases.  The EXPECT_... definitions
encode the expected results for the HAVE_... definitions that are
set by the $<COMPILE_FEATURES:...> generator expressions.  This
way the test ensures that the detection works and its results
propagate all the way through genex evaluation correctly.

> In any case, it seems I still need to update something

Please post the patch so far so we can look at it to see what may be
missing.  Once this part works then it may activate the real parts
of the CompileFeatures test and lead you to the portions of that test
that need to be filled in for the Intel compiler.


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