[cmake-developers] [PATCH] User may now specify toolset through CMake GUI

Robert Dailey rcdailey.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 22:50:53 EST 2015

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the long hiatus, but I've finally gotten back to this.
I've implemented the suggestions here:

* deleteCache() now clears the toolset
* When the binary directory changes, the GUI now reloads the toolset
(The toolset isn't used by anything except the first-time dialog right
now, so this wasn't a necessary change, but I did it on request. We
only show the toolset on first time setup anyway, so even if you go to
an existing binary dir it won't let you change the toolset again via
the setup wizard).
* I've refactored the generator factories a bit to specify whether or
not they support toolsets.
* A lot of places that used to only pass around a list of generator
names now pass around a composite object of name+toolset support
(boolean flag). This eventually propagates to QT code so it can
determine which generators support toolsets, so it can show/hide the
toolset fields as the generator selection changes (in the first-time

Note that I was not able to test Code Blocks. Documentation states it
has toolset support, but I didn't see a generator for code blocks
(only an extra generator, which I did not touch). I left the extra
generators in the code base alone.

Please see the attached revised patch and let me know if there is
anything else I can do. I tested on Windows 10, using Visual Studio
2013. I installed the CTP_Nov2013 compiler and tested the toolchain
field, all is working great!

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Brad King <brad.king at kitware.com> wrote:
> On 02/17/2015 01:46 PM, Brad King wrote:
>> On 02/17/2015 01:43 PM, Robert Dailey wrote:
>>> Of course right now only Visual Studio and XCode support the toolset
>>> parameter
>> Correct.  Furthermore it is supported only for VS >= 10.
> In response to this issue:
>  http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=15411
> I've made this change:
>  cmake-gui: Reset generator platform and toolset on configure (#15411)
>  http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=1ade687d
> Please account for that while developing your changes.
> Thanks,
> -Brad
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