[cmake-developers] PATCH: fix sphinx-documentation theme

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Nov 16 10:57:20 EST 2015

On 11/16/2015 10:45 AM, Stuermer, Michael SP/HZA-ZSEP wrote:
> Sphinx does not seem to provide any "default" theme anymore,
> it's called "classic" now.

Thanks.  This was previously discussed here:


Upstream Sphinx has decided to drop the warning:


> It might even be better to make the html_theme value a cmake
> variable in the build process.

Perhaps, but that will require more extensive changes to configure
all the different places in the source that refer to the theme.
If the `static/cmake.css` file needs to be configured then we
might also have to configure/copy everything else in the entire
`static` directory since IIRC sphinx only has one value for that
and not a search path.

For now it is simplest to ignore the warning from Sphinx or
upgrade to a version of Sphinx that drops the warning.


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