[cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Nov 2 14:53:14 EST 2015

On 11/01/2015 11:09 AM, Michael Scott wrote:
> I've attached a version of the patch


> without the conversion 
> functionality, for dev messages only, as the deprecated section wasn't 
> part of this patch. I've also not included rst files in the commit, as 
> it seems like a waste of time to revert them now and then change them 
> back to what they should be afterwards. In the find commit the rst files 
> will of course be in there.

We try to keep 'master' ready for release at any time so please include
the documentation updates as if this were the end of the development.

Also please don't leave any source infrastructure in place that is not
yet needed.  Currently it looks like there are some pieces in there to
prepare for the rest of the topic.  I still see ERROR_LEVEL, AUTHOR_ERROR,
etc.  That makes review harder because I do not know which parts are
needed now and which are meant for code I haven't seen yet.  The reason I
asked for a reduced initial patch is to avoid reviewing so much at once.
The changes should be presented as incremental commits.  Each should be
suitable as the end of the topic without following changes.


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