[cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Jun 25 10:50:08 EDT 2015

On 06/24/2015 05:30 PM, Michael Scott wrote:
> Thanks for the comments, here is the previous patch, with the suggested 
> amendments.


This hunk:

> -  void SetSuppressDevWarnings(bool v)
> -    {
> -      this->SuppressDevWarnings = v;
> -      this->DoSuppressDevWarnings = true;
> -    }

causes the cmake-gui Qt dialog to fail to compile:

 $ git grep SetSuppressDevWarnings
 Source/QtDialog/QCMake.cxx:  this->CMakeInstance->SetSuppressDevWarnings(this->SuppressDevWarnings);

Sorry I didn't notice that last time.

Please enable the BUILD_QtDialog option at CMake build time to
build this part and make sure it compiles after the changes.
It would be nice to also provide settings in cmake-gui for
these deprecation levels (as there is for -Wdev), but I won't
make that a requirement for acceptance of the patch.


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