[cmake-developers] Startup Project Configuration [mantis 15578]

Davy Durham ddurham at bomgar.com
Tue Jun 16 19:34:28 EDT 2015

Okay, The first 3 points are easy and done.  But for the unit test, I'm 
a little lost.

I found the files you're talking about.  I'm not quite sure what those 
undocumented macros are doing.  I would say though, that I'm not trying 
to parse the 'GlobalSection' part of the .sln file, I just need to make 
sure that the specified project is the first "Project(" statement in the 
.sln file.  Would that involve different macro's anyhow?  I could try 
and write a macro specifically to check that, or were you thinking I 
should be able to use the macros that are already there?  And would you 
be opposed to my writing a dedicated one?


On 06/04/2015 08:03 AM, Brad King wrote:
> On 06/03/2015 04:35 PM, Davy Durham wrote:
>> Okay, here's my patch.  It worked on my system.  I tested with the
>> versions I have installed: VS 2008 and VS 2013, and it worked great.
>> Fairly simple.   Updated the docs [sufficiently, I think].
> That looks pretty good.  A few comments:
> * Please provide a proposed commit message.  The first line should
>    end with (#15578) to reference the issue tracker entry.
> * Please wrap lines in C++ sources to <= 79 columns.
> * Please use "this->" for references to member variables
>    (e.g. this->FirstProject).
> * Please look at adding a test case, perhaps as a new case in
>    "Tests/RunCMake/SolutionGlobalSections/RunCMakeTest.cmake".
>    That test already has code to parse the generated solution.
>    You can parse it to verify the desired project is first (and
>    perhaps a second case to verify ALL_BUILD is the default).
> Thanks,
> -Brad

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