[cmake-developers] [PATCH] stage/compact-status-log

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Wed Sep 24 10:29:39 EDT 2014

> What happens if something else occurs in between that prints
> a message?

That's why my solution is completely automatic, does not require any changes in existing modules, and it works as desired so only:

  -- Doing something
  -- Doing something - Result

That arrive to stdout are compacted to:

  -- Doing something - Result

When anything comes in between both to stdout and stderr then compaction does not occur.

Also the preliminary message "-- Doing something" is of course emitted, but cursor waits on end of line instead new line, just in case we get 2nd matching Result line.

If next line is anything else then new line gets appended and rest goes as usual.

Please try to build this stage branch and try to run cmake agains cmake :) (FYI fixed bug preventing compiling on Linux)


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