[cmake-developers] Extracting target metadata, IDE integration

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Mon Sep 1 09:53:26 EDT 2014

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:20 AM, Aleix Pol <aleixpol at kde.org> wrote:

> Dear cmake'rs,
> I'm rewriting the KDevelop plugin from scratch to fetch the information
> from the build directory.
> Now in the first implementation I'm using the compile_commands.json file
> that cmake already can generate for some time. It works quite well already,
> given how data just comes out ready to be consumed (almost). The problem
> now is that we're lacking some information, namely information about the
> targets, their location and such *.
> To that end, I wrote a little patch to be taken as a proof of concept,
> that generates (some of) the needed information. I would like to know if
> you think it's an approach that would be accepted in the cmake code-base or
> if I need to take a different approach.
> Patch http://proli.net/meu/kdevelop/cmake-targetsdata.patch
> Output: http://proli.net/meu/kdevelop/AwesomeTargets.json
> Cheers!
> Aleix
> * Yes, I'm aware of generators, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of
> tying a build directory to an editor (even if it's my editor). Our users
> usually build the projects with different tools and asking them to
> re-create their build only for being comfortable with KDevelop sometimes is
> a burden. It would be for me too!

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