[cmake-developers] fix-OSX-bundle-rpaths-and-Qt5 topic

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 21 09:35:06 EDT 2014

On 10/21/2014 09:17 AM, Adam Strzelecki wrote:
> First of all this is in fact Qt bug, please follow discussion at:
> 	http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2014-September/018505.html
> The patches I provided, especially 55707fd5, were intended to workaround that
> I'll try build Qt4 SDK myself as you do and checkout what's the bundle layout of theirs.

Regardless of where the bug lies, your changes took a packaging
case that worked and made it not work.  That is a regression.
Working around it for the packaging machine of CMake itself is
not a solution because it could happen to any project built this

Please extend your changes to restore successful packaging with
no special help by adding whatever workarounds are needed.  If
the result is not signable when the workarounds are in place that
is okay because we couldn't sign before either.


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