[cmake-developers] Roadmap to CMake 3.0

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Oct 21 14:30:47 EDT 2013

On 10/21/2013 02:21 PM, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
>> Potential changes motivating a major version number bump include:
> One thing I was thinking about was to really have lists as lists internally. 
> Once you touch a variable in a list way (e.g. set() with more than one 
> argument or any of the list() commands) a std::vector<> would be internally 
> created and maintained as long as no non-list command (e.g. set() with only 
> one argument that does not contain semicolons) is used on that variable. That 
> way all following list-style accesses would be much faster. And even 
> semicolons in list elements would work that way.

In the long run this would be a nice internal cleanup.

However, please see:

 On 10/11/2013 04:30 PM, Brad King wrote:
 > FYI, I started this roadmap thread to enumerate *already-ongoing* work
 > that justifies a move to 3.0.  This is not a call for wishlist items :)

I don't want to enumerate a list of huge changes and delay the release
until they are all ready.  Everything on my original roadmap is
something already done.  I've accumulated these topics locally for over
a year and need a major version number bump to integrate them.


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