[cmake-developers] Working towards Windows Phone 8 support

Paul Annetts paul at lightunobscured.com
Fri Jul 12 07:58:21 EDT 2013

Hi CMake developers!


I'm interested in contributing towards Windows Phone 8 support in CMAKE,
i.e. http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13791 


I'm working on a patch that will allow C/C++ static libraries (.lib) to be
built with CMAKE. The patch creates a Visual Studio 2012 (v11) .vcxproj file
per library using a new "Visual Studio 11 Windows Phone 8" generator. This

1.       Targets the Windows Phone 8 platform toolset (v110_wp80). 

2.       Has content that allows MSBUILD/Visual Studio to build a .lib
target for either Win32 (x86 emulator) and ARM (devices) platforms. 


How should I go about getting my work reviewed at an early stage? (I am a
first-time CMAKE contributor: I have set up no dev or Mantis accounts yet,
and have only just recently joined this mailing list).


Many thanks,


Paul Annetts.

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