[cmake-developers] Depends information in buildsystem files

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Feb 11 14:45:20 EST 2013

On 02/11/2013 02:38 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> How would that be done in 'full project' mode? The best we can do is 
> generate a file with the imported targets (my branch already does that 
> much), and allow the user to include() it, right? And we'd generate that 
> file directly in the binary_dir the user specified in the try_compile call? 
> And the file would be called something generic so that the user does this?
>  include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tryCompileTargets.cmake")
> in their own 'full project' code?

Yes, though one of the options to try_compile could be TARGETS_FILE
to say where to put the file.

>  try_compile(TCRESULT 
>    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tcresultbindir"
>    "tcresult_src.cpp"
>    TARGETS foo bar
>    LINK_LIBRARIES foo bar
>  )

No, for the source form the LINK_LIBRARIES would automatically
handle targets.  I just don't want to try doing it with the

>> They would replace the current
>> -D convention which pre-dated keyword arguments in CMake. 
> I see more policies coming :). This is future work anyway.

No, we would just support the keywords for projects that use them.
If used then the -D equivalents would be disallowed or ignored.

>> The outer
>> try_compile call would handle target exports for LINK_LIBRARIES.
> What do you mean 'outer'?



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