[cmake-developers] 185 - CMakeOnly.AllFindModules (Failed)

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Tue Mar 20 16:36:10 EDT 2012

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Rolf Eike Beer <eike at sf-mail.de> wrote:
> David Cole wrote:
>> Eike,
>> I've got a test machine setup where I'm using the latest Xcode 4.3
>> from Apple, and I'm getting output like this from the AllFindModules
>> test:
>>   CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:52 (message):
>>     GIT_VERSION_STRING has unexpected content (Apple Git-26)
>> Is there a way to say "it's ok for the version string to have extra
>> stuff after the version number".... without breaking your concept of
>> "expected content" too much? Really, our expectation of a version
>> number string in CMake is anything that's useful with VERSION_LESS and
>> VERSION_GREATER comparisons. The above string is useful, and would be
>> valid for version comparisons.
>> Perhaps we could use the regex you're using now, but only care about
>> the *start* of the string?
> I have no problem if you change the ending to "( .*)?" (or whatever is
> correct). It now has been proven that the expectation of what would come out
> of this is too narrow.
> On the other hand I wonder if we should simply cut away that trailing stuff in
> FindGit.cmake.
> Eike
> --
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I've finally committed and merged to 'next' a fix for this test:


See the commit message and the diff for details. Let me know if you
think I've relaxed things too much, or if you disagree with any of the
expectations I've encoded here.


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