[cmake-developers] Topic-based Git workflow for CMake

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Jun 7 08:31:11 EDT 2010

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> However, one could have a balance that satisfies both the "urge to
> merge" and the clean history by rebasing the topic branch to the
> current master, right?

Yes, subject to Michael's point about not rebasing already-published

> # rebase to make merging to next easier
> git pull
> git rebase master

In your sequence of commands, "git pull" will not work because you
entered it while on a local topic that does not track an upstream
branch.  While on the topic, you can do

 $ git fetch origin
 $ git push . origin/master:master
 $ git rebase master

to update your local master and rebase the topic.

> # finally publish your topic branch
> git checkout next
> git merge topic
> git push

Good.  Just don't rebase it after this.


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