Hello all,<div><br></div><div>I am new to CDash/CTest, but a long time CMake user. I have configured CDash running behind an nginx frontend, with requests served via FastCGI processes (which in turn are spawned by supervisord).</div>
<div><br></div><div>I have created a new project, and using the CTestConfig.cmake file generated from the Project Administration page can successfully submit Experimental builds from Linux, OS X, and Windows (thank you Kitware!)</div>
<div><br></div><div>However, I run into problems when I try to add the URL of the Subversion repository. For any URL I enter, as soon as I click the "Update Project" button, any text I have entered into the Repository, Username, or Password field is lost. No rows are added to the repositories table (I checked using pgAdmin as I am using Postgres). My project is hosted on Sourceforge, but the php user has the appropriate auth in the ~/.subversion directory. I have tried other Sourceforge projects, a couple Googlecode projects, and even a CVS repo in case the problem is specifically with SVN. In all the SVN cases, I enter an HTTP(S) URL without a trailing slash.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Please advise how I can setup a Continuous build that is compiled/tested via the same machine running the CDash process, even if I have to manually add it to the database.<br clear="all"><br></div><div>