[CDash] CDash API Python client (free OSS)

Mario Emmenlauer mario at emmenlauer.de
Thu Sep 10 07:38:15 UTC 2020

Dear CDash Developers and Users,

we have started to implement a CDash API Python client. The client
should become a means to perform various maintenance tasks like
creating projects, adding users to projects, etc. Currently the
client can do exactly these two things, create new projects with
various settings, and add users to projects :-)

Find it here: https://github.com/BioDataAnalysis/cdash-client

Its free and open source, and contributions are more than welcome!

All the best, and happy coding,

    Mario Emmenlauer

BioDataAnalysis GmbH, Mario Emmenlauer      Tel. Buero: +49-89-74677203
Balanstr. 43                   mailto: memmenlauer * biodataanalysis.de
D-81669 München                          http://www.biodataanalysis.de/

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