[CDash] Duplicate rows in build2test

Matějů Miroslav, Ing. Mateju.Miroslav at azd.cz
Wed May 11 11:46:18 UTC 2016


I have discovered duplicate rows in the build2test table which is the biggest table in my CDash database. The query
    SELECT `buildid`, `testid`, COUNT(`buildid`) c FROM `build2test` GROUP BY `buildid`, `testid` HAVING c > 1 ORDER BY c DESC;
returned many entries with the highest reported count of 11. Shouldn't the pair buildid + testid be unique? I tried to check data of a few reported entries and all the rows appeared to have same values in all columns.

The duplicates may come from a wrongly configured submission processing: The default CDASH_SUBMISSION_PROCESSING_TIME_LIMIT was too low and CDash tried to asynchronously process big submissions again and again. However, the duplication could be prevented most likely if the table had a PRIMARY KEY (or UNIQUE constraint) defined. Currently it has none.

Could you recommend any actions I could perform? Is the best to let Autoremove take care of it (which is currently disabled in my case)?

Thanks in advance!

Miroslav Matějů

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