[Cdash] [SOLVED] Apache configuration for test result submission

Johannes Stallkamp johannes.stallkamp at rub.de
Mon Nov 9 09:44:32 EST 2009

Hello Julien,  hello Bill

sorry for the confusion. The issue has been resolved. Obviously, I
accidentally installed Ubuntu's libapache2-mod-php5filter instead of
libapache2-mod-php5 which made the PHP pages of CDash work but not the
PUT. Again, sorry for the buzz and thanks for your help.

Kind regards

Julien Jomier schrieb:
> Hi Johannes,
> Could you try to set:
>  "Deny from all"
> in your site configuration, restart apache and see if you can access
> your CDash from your web browser. If you can, that means the
> Directory tag is not working as expected and the virtual host is not
> configured correctly. You might want to check your apache logs when
> restarting apache to make sure there is nothing wrong with the
> current configuration.
> Also, you should double check that you don't have any .htaccess in
> your document root that would deny some methods.
> Let us know,
> Julien
> Johannes Stallkamp wrote:
>> Hello Bill, hello Julien,
>>>> Are you trying to submit using CTest? or cURL? which URL do you use
>>>> to submit? (localhost? or external URL of the system?).
>>>> If you can send me some logs (maybe in a private email), that would
>>>> be great.
>>> If ctest, you should run ctest --debug to see the curl output.
>> Since this is just an internal test setup I can just share the log
>> here
>> I guess. I attached the ctest debug output (I just kept the submission
>> part and removed the rest for size reasons)
>> If I try it using curl, I use:
>> $ curl -T Testing/20091104-1057/Test.xml
>> http://localhost/cdash/submit.php?project=TRS
>> and I get:
>> <html><head>
>> <title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>
>> </head><body>
>> <h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>
>> <p>The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL
>> /cdash/submit.php.</p>
>> <hr>
>> <address>Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with
>> Suhosin-Patch Server at localhost Port 80</address>
>> </body></html>
>> My apache site configuration says:
>>     Alias /cdash "/opt/CDash-1.4.2"
>>     <Directory "/opt/CDash-1.4.2">
>>         Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>>         AllowOverride None
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         Allow from all
>>     </Directory>
>> Somehow I feel that I am missing something stupid, some obvious tiny
>> little thing since other people obviously do not have that problem.
>> Thanks for helping
>> Johannes
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