[Cdash] database support in cdash

Markus Grabner grabner at icg.tugraz.at
Tue Apr 22 14:49:57 UTC 2008

Am Dienstag, 22. April 2008 16:20 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Markus,
> PDO support is not in progress but we can make it a priority if you need
> it quickly. It will probably have to wait the 1.2 release though.
It would make it indeed a lot easier to employ cdash since we already have a 
PostgreSQL server up and running at our site, but no MySQL server, and it 
would give more "peace of mind" with respect to future database migrations.

> I think it would be faster to change the queries manually.
Seems to be a tough job, there are 2388 lines containing "mysql_" in the 
current revision 856, that's why I thought some (semi-)automatic process 
would be useful here...

> I'm going to 
> give it a try when I get a chance. If it works well, it might be
> available soon.
Ok, please let me know when you proceed with that. I'm also willing to help if 
I can. So far, however, I only used the mysql_ functions and the Pear DB 
classes, but PDO should not be too different I guess.

	Thanks & kind regards,

Markus Grabner - Computer Graphics and Vision
Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a/II, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43/316/873-5041, Fax: +43/316/873-5050
WWW: http://www.icg.tugraz.at/Members/grabner

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