[cable] CableSwig: Python wrappers don't wrap public member data

Steven Levitt slevitt at siac.com
Wed Sep 10 12:31:37 EDT 2003

I hope this is the appropriate list to which to post questions regarding
CableSwig. Please re-direct me if I'm mistaken.

I've built CableSwig on Windows using Cygwin and well on HP-UX 11 using gcc
3.2 (after a struggle with the default build options.)

I've created a simple test based on a C++ struct with a single, public
integer data member. When I try to generate a Python wrapper for this
struct, the wrapper does not include any code for accessing the data
member.  According to the basic SWIG documentation, SWIG-generated wrappers
should wrap all public data members by default.  I don't understand what is
different about cswig.

Here is the struct I am wrapping, followed by the CABLE configuration file,
and the commands I am using to generate the wrapper.

#if !defined(Test_hpp)
#define Test_hpp

struct Test
      int anIntegerValue ;
} ;


#include "Test.hpp"

namespace _cable_
    const char* const group="Test";
    namespace wrappers
            // List class wrappers as typedefs.
            // Name of typedef will be wrapped name.
            typedef ::Test Test ;
// Additional code to ensure implicit instantiation of
// class templates that are to be wrapped.


all : _Test.sl Test.py

Test.xml : TestConfig.cpp Test.hpp
      $(GCCXML) -I. -DCABLE_CONFIGURATION TestConfig.cpp -fxml=Test.xml

Test.py Test_wrap.cxx : Test.xml
      $(CSWIG) -c++ -python Test.xml

_Test.sl : Test.cpp Test_wrap.cxx
      $(ACC) -g -b +z -Dstd= -I. -I$(PYTHONINCLUDE)  Test.cpp Test_wrap.cxx

Here is what happens when I try to use the generated wrapper in Python:
>>> import Test
>>> x = Test.Test()
>>> x.anIntegerValue
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "Test.py", line 34, in <lambda>
    __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, Test, name)
  File "Test.py", line 19, in _swig_getattr
    raise AttributeError,name
AttributeError: anIntegerValue

I've grepped the generated Test_wrap.cxx, and there is no reference
anywhere to Test::anIntegerValue.

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