[cable] Problem with static method

Anton Deguet anton at cs.jhu.edu
Wed Apr 16 17:02:55 EDT 2003


I have a class with some static methods:

class cisClassRegister {
   static bool SetLoD(const std::string& name, const cisShort lod);
   static cisShort SetLoD(cisShort lod);

I wrap it with Cable via the CMake ITK_WRAP_TCL command (which by the 
way could be renamed CABLE_WRAP_TCL).  I have a bunch of other classes 
and they work great with the Tcl wrappers, but I am running into 
problems with these two methods.

The test gives:

% set lod [cisClassRegister SetLoD 10]
No method matches void::SetLoD(int)
Candidates are:
   static short cisClassRegister::SetLoD(short)
   static bool cisClassRegister::SetLoD(const 
std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&, 

Do I have a problem because these methods are static or because there is 
no implicit cast from int to short.  The reasons why I am confused are:

Why does it display "No method matches void::SetLoD(int)" with "void" as 
the class name?

Also, it looks for a SetLoD(int), not SetLoD(short).  If I try to use 
the method with std::string, the interpreter looks for a method with 
(char*, int).

Thanks in advance,


Anton Deguet - Email anton<at>cs.jhu.edu
Office NEB B26 - Phone 410 516 5261 - Fax 410 516 3332

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