[cable] How do you wrap implicitly defined operator=() ?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Dec 30 09:34:02 EST 2002

> If I have a C++ class whose assignment operator (operator=()) is
> implicitly defined, is there any way to get Cable to generate a wrapper
> for this operator?

Unless GCC-XML dumps it, not right now.

> >From looking at the XML generated by GCCXML, it seems that GCCXML is
> generating an element for the assignment operator of Foo2, but not for
> Foo. Is there any way to force GCCXML to generate an element for
> Foo::operator =() ?

GCC's internals are refusing to record the implicit operator=, even if a
reference to it is made in the code.  The GCC-XML dump it therefore not
seeing it.

When I find some time, I'll look at either getting GCC-XML to dump the
implicit operator (probably the preferred approach), or putting rules into
CABLE to decide how to generate the implicit operator.


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