[cable] Re: Cable: multiple "make"s required for wrapping itk::Image

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 30 09:26:04 EST 2001


Okay, this discussion is getting more CABLE and less ITK, so we can move
it to just this list and avoid each getting 3 copies of the mail :)

> The example in Insight/Examples/TclWrappedImage is still requiring
> four "make"'s for building. The first "make" is displaying errors
> about vnl_matrix...
Look closely at the build log.  I bet the errors are reported by GCC-XML's
parser.  This is one of the problems left with it...I haven't set it up to
delete its output XML file if there are errors in the source.  It just so
happens that despite the errors, GCC's internal representation still
contains enough information to let CABLE wrap the classes.  Each "make"
you are doing makes it through one more GCC-XML run with errors and puts
its output file there.  On the next run, make doesn't know that the output
file which appears up-to-date may not have been from valid
source.  Fortunately, however, the dependencies are setup such that if you
fix the source to avoid the error, then GCC-XML will re-run and generate
the output file again.


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