MantisBT - CMake
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0008264CMakeCMakepublic2008-12-08 17:222008-12-17 09:25
Brad King 
0008264: PATCH: FindPackage searches in ${ProgramFiles}/name*
I think it'd be very useful for many Windows software packages to carry a FooConfig.cmake file which could be simply installed among the normal program files, e.g. "C:\Program Files\Foo-x.x.x\FooConfig.cmake".

Currently, CMake can only detect such packages if the "/bin" subdirectory is appended to $PATH, or if a custom FindFoo module exists.

Please, consider merging this patch which looks for the installation folder directly using a "glob" (non-recursive) expression.

The help of the "find_package" command has been updated accordingly (new point 0000005):

4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed. Path entries ending in "/bin" or "/sbin" are automatically converted to their parent directories.


5. Typical instalation paths. For now this only applies to Windowsfor the paths that match the following pattern (where <name> iscase insensitive):

  ${ProgramFiles}/<name>* (W)

6. Search project build trees recently configured in a CMake GUI. This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH is passed. It is intended for the case when a user is building multiple dependent projects one after another.
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patch find_package_progfiles.patch (3,938) 2008-12-08 17:22
Issue History
2008-12-08 17:22jlblancoNew Issue
2008-12-08 17:22jlblancoFile Added: find_package_progfiles.patch
2008-12-15 10:36Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2008-12-15 10:36Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Brad King
2008-12-16 11:22Brad KingNote Added: 0014372
2008-12-16 11:23Brad KingNote Edited: 0014372
2008-12-16 11:23Brad KingNote Edited: 0014372
2008-12-17 03:14jlblancoNote Added: 0014380
2008-12-17 09:24Brad KingNote Added: 0014382
2008-12-17 09:25Brad KingStatusassigned => closed
2008-12-17 09:25Brad KingResolutionopen => fixed

Brad King   
2008-12-16 11:22   
(edited on: 2008-12-16 11:23)
I've thought about this search location a bit more. I don't think we should hard-code any search locations in front of any configurable locations. The CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH variable is meant to contain common install locations (but can also be adjusted by the project or user environment).

On Windows, the CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH variable already contains the program files directory. I propose that instead of explicitly searching it we just add another convention for searching below a prefix. Currently in CMake HEAD (in CVS) we have the following:

Windows convention:


Unix convention:


Mac convention:


Note that the Mac convention basically means the top-level application and framework container directories should be in the list of prefixes searched. This is the Mac equivalent of the program files folder on Windows.

I propose that we add


to the windows convention list. Then since the program files folder is already in the system prefix path the desired behavior will be achieved.

2008-12-17 03:14   
Perfect for me, Brad! Seems to cover more cases with less intrusion.

What I though after submitting this was that in cases of short package names, e.g. "gl" (for opengl), etc..., the <prefix>/<name>* expressions may expand to too large lists... It might a good idea to constrain the search to expressions such as:

But I'm neither fully convinced with this approach: if the search is efficient enough even with large lists of matching directories, I'd prefer the simpler "<name>*".
Brad King   
2008-12-17 09:24   
First, a fix to make sure both 64-bit and 32-bit program files folders are listed in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/Platform/WindowsPaths.cmake,v <-- Modules/Platform/WindowsPaths.cmake
new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5

Now the new search locations and a test:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmFindPackageCommand.cxx,v <-- Source/cmFindPackageCommand.cxx
new revision: 1.54; previous revision: 1.53
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.1/BazConfig.cmake,v <-- Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.1/BazConfig.cmake
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.1/BazConfigVersion.cmake,v <-- Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.1/BazConfigVersion.cmake
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.2/CMake/BazConfig.cmake,v <-- Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.2/CMake/BazConfig.cmake
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.2/CMake/BazConfigVersion.cmake,v <-- Tests/FindPackageTest/Baz 1.2/CMake/BazConfigVersion.cmake
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/FindPackageTest/CMakeLists.txt,v <-- Tests/FindPackageTest/CMakeLists.txt
new revision: 1.16; previous revision: 1.15