MantisBT - CMake
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0007483CMakeModulespublic2008-08-12 03:012009-03-24 16:51
George Petasis 
Alex Neundorf 
0007483: New module for locating GTK 2.x
This module locates GTK 2.x libraries. It was based (initially) in the originalFindGTK.cmake distributed with cmake. This module FindGTK2.cmake updates the original script to locate GTK2, but also adds the following capabilities:

The behaviour of the module can be altered through variables, defined
before the module is loaded. These (optional) variables are:

  GTK2_ADDITIONAL_PATHS: A list of paths to search for GTK+
  GTK2_LIBRARY_NAMES: A list of names to be used when searching for
                         libraries/include directories.
                         If not initialised, defaults to:
                         "-x11-2.0 -win32-2.0 -2.0 20 -win32 -x11
                          -x11-1.0 -win32-1.0 -1.0 10"
  GTK2_SEARCH_LIBRARIES: A list of additional libraries to be searched.
                         If not initialised, defaults to:
                         "gdk gmodule gobject gthread gio cairo pango atk"
  GTK2_LOGGING_ENABLED: If true, include/library paths will be printed.
                         Defaults to "undefined".
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? FindGTK2.cmake (7,067) 2008-08-12 03:01
Issue History
2008-08-12 03:01George PetasisNew Issue
2008-08-12 03:01George PetasisFile Added: FindGTK2.cmake
2008-08-19 13:50Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2008-08-19 13:50Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Alex Neundorf
2008-09-03 18:19Alex NeundorfNote Added: 0013288
2008-09-04 04:36George PetasisNote Added: 0013294
2008-09-05 15:44Alex NeundorfNote Added: 0013308
2009-03-24 16:51Alex NeundorfNote Added: 0015790
2009-03-24 16:51Alex NeundorfStatusassigned => closed
2009-03-24 16:51Alex NeundorfResolutionopen => fixed

Alex Neundorf   
2008-09-03 18:19   
I had a quick look at the module.
I'm no gtk expert. Could you please add some more comments ? E.g. the part where you calculate stuff using MATH() could use some comments.

I'd really like to have a FindGtk2.cmake in cmake. It will potentially have a lot of users. A lot of users will bring a lot of questions, bug reports and feature requests.
Are you willing to maintain the file once it's in cmake cvs ?

George Petasis   
2008-09-04 04:36   
Dear Alex,

I will try to add some more comments. The whole issue with MATH is to just do a loop, where I search for include files, using the specification in the variable GTK2_INCLUDE_FILES_INFO: instead of having numerous entries that look verbatim and search for a specific include file, why not have the same code in one plave in a loop?

Now regarding GTK I am not an expert also. In fact I don't use GTK and the only application I needed GTK was my tileGTK extension, which is a GTK theme for Tcl/Tk tile engine. But sure I am willing to make fixes in this file and answer questions if I can :-)
So, yes I can maintain the file, as I want also my Tcl/Tk extension to be easily compiled in as many systems as possible :-)

Alex Neundorf   
2008-09-05 15:44   
There is no "issue" with MATH, it's just that some comments would help, which explain the logic of the module :-)

Alex Neundorf   
2009-03-24 16:51   
Another FindGTK2.cmake has now been added to cmake cvs. Please give it a try and report problems if you find some.
