MantisBT - CMake
View Issue Details
0007471CMakeCMakepublic2008-08-08 04:432008-08-16 16:35
Andreas Pakulat 
Alex Neundorf 
0007471: KDevelop3 generator puts wrong files into <blacklist>
The KDevelop3 generator puts a projects directory into the blacklist when running cmake in a builddirectory that is not under the project directory.

As blacklist in KDevelop3 means that KDevelop3 completely ignores these directories this makes the generated project useless as no files in the project sourcedir are considered as "part of the project"

See this mailinglist thread for more information: [^]
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Issue History
2008-08-08 04:43Andreas PakulatNew Issue
2008-08-08 10:12Bill HoffmanStatusnew => assigned
2008-08-08 10:12Bill HoffmanAssigned To => Alex Neundorf
2008-08-16 16:35Alex NeundorfNote Added: 0013042
2008-08-16 16:35Alex NeundorfStatusassigned => closed
2008-08-16 16:35Alex NeundorfResolutionopen => fixed

Alex Neundorf   
2008-08-16 16:35   
Fixed in HEAD, now only CMakeFiles/ and directories containing a CMakeCache.txt are put in the blacklist.
