MantisBT - CMake
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0006400CMakeModulespublic2008-02-21 00:382008-07-23 02:53
Philip Lowman 
Miguel Figueroa 
0006400: FindMagick.cmake Module
Attached is a FindMagick.cmake module designed for searching for the Magick and Magick++ development libraries (often distributed with ImageMagick).

I wasn't sure if this should be merged with FindImageMagick.cmake since that module is focused entirely on finding the utility programs distributed with ImageMagick. Most of the time a user is probably going to want to find either one or the other for his build and not both.

In the event that FindMagick.cmake is checked in, it might not be a bad idea to add a note to FindImageMagick.cmake about it.

Module uses FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS() and as far as I now compiles with CMake module submission criteria (if not please let me know what's wrong).
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0004220closed Miguel Figueroa FindImageMagick.cmake should also find ImageMagick's libraries 
? FindMagick.cmake (1,385) 2008-02-21 00:38
? IMPROVED_FindMagick.cmake (1,523) 2008-02-21 20:40
? FindImageMagick.cmake (7,505) 2008-07-23 02:23
Issue History
2008-02-21 00:38Philip LowmanNew Issue
2008-02-21 00:38Philip LowmanFile Added: FindMagick.cmake
2008-02-21 12:11Alex NeundorfStatusnew => assigned
2008-02-21 12:11Alex NeundorfAssigned To => Alex Neundorf
2008-02-21 14:29Alex NeundorfNote Added: 0010624
2008-02-21 14:29Alex NeundorfAssigned ToAlex Neundorf => Miguel Figueroa
2008-02-21 20:40Philip LowmanFile Added: IMPROVED_FindMagick.cmake
2008-02-21 20:40Philip LowmanNote Added: 0010625
2008-05-09 13:56Philip LowmanNote Added: 0011777
2008-07-23 02:23Miguel FigueroaFile Added: FindImageMagick.cmake
2008-07-23 02:27Miguel FigueroaNote Added: 0012803
2008-07-23 02:36Miguel FigueroaRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004220
2008-07-23 02:51Miguel FigueroaNote Deleted: 0012803
2008-07-23 02:52Miguel FigueroaNote Added: 0012805
2008-07-23 02:53Miguel FigueroaStatusassigned => closed
2008-07-23 02:53Miguel FigueroaNote Added: 0012806
2008-07-23 02:53Miguel FigueroaResolutionopen => fixed

Alex Neundorf   
2008-02-21 14:29   
Miguel has already a related bug report assigned.

Philip Lowman   
2008-02-21 20:40   
I investigated Bug 0004220 which was a FindMagick.cmake submitted on 12/16/06.

I examined this module to determine what is done differently:

1. They allow the user to specify a plethora of environment variables to find ImageMagick. This seems silly given the existence of CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH and CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH.

2. They provide multiple include paths which is not needed at least with modern versions of the libraries.

3. They search for the Wand library and expose it via cache to the user, which was something I wasn't doing. I have added this functionality to the attached IMPROVED_FindMagick.cmake (could not delete original).

I suggest that Bug 0004220 be closed.
Philip Lowman   
2008-05-09 13:56   
Any possibility of getting this included with CMake and closing both this issue and Bug 0004220?
Miguel Figueroa   
2008-07-23 02:52   
I've applied a patch to CVS:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/FindImageMagick.cmake,v <-- FindImageMagick.cmake
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4

Please test that it works as expected.

Miguel Figueroa   
2008-07-23 02:53   
Applied patch:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/FindImageMagick.cmake,v <-- FindImageMagick.cmake
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
