MantisBT - IGSTK
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0005826IGSTKpublic2007-10-04 11:202007-10-04 11:20
Luis Ibanez 
0005826: TransductionMacros naming Style
Naming of the Observe..() method is not consistent across the transduction macros
Reported by Vincent Gratsac in the users list [^]

I noticed something strange in the following macros :

igstkEventTransductionMacro ( event, input )
igstkLoadedEventTransductionMacro ( event, input )
igstkLoadedObjectEventTransductionMacro ( event, input )

In fact, generated "Observe..." public methods are completed with the
#event name in the first macro, and with the #input name with the two
last ones.

  void Observe##event(const ::itk::Object * object )

  void Observe##input(const ::itk::Object * object )

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Issue History
2007-10-04 11:20Luis IbanezNew Issue

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