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0004713ITKpublic2007-03-29 06:042007-04-02 14:39
Fucang Jia 
Luis Ibanez 
0004713: BMPImageIO problem when used in ImageSeriesReader
When I use ImageSeriesReadWrite in Examples/IO to read a series of BMP image files, the program crashed with exception:
itkExceptionMacro("BMPImageIO could not open file: "
                      << this->GetFileName() << " for reading."
                      << std::endl
                      << "Reason: "
                      << itksys::SystemTools::GetLastSystemError());

I saw that it is because the m_Ifstream was not closed when reopen. So when it is closed the problem work.

I added one line "m_Ifstream.close();" at the end of ReadImageInformation function.

added one line at the begin of the Read function m_FileName.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

added comments the m_Ifstream.close(); in the destruction function.
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cxx itkBMPImageIO_new.cxx (22,775) 1969-12-31 19:00
Issue History

Luis Ibanez   
2007-04-02 14:39   
Thanks for sending the fix.
The code has been committed to CVS: [^]