MantisBT - CMake
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0000021CMakeCMakepublic2003-06-27 13:382010-11-11 14:00
Bill Hoffman 
Bill Hoffman 
CMake 2.8.4 
0000021: use nmake for trycompile in ms IDE builds
Generate nmake makefiles and use them instead of using the ide msdev or devenv to compile things, as they are way too slow
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Issue History
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciAssigned Touser390 =>
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciPriorityurgent => normal
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciSeverityminor => feature
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciReproducibilityunable to reproduce => N/A
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciStatusnew => closed
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciResolutionunable to reproduce => fixed
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciNote Deleted: 0008226
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciProjectOld ParaView Bugs => CMake
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciStatusclosed => assigned
2007-08-04 16:07Berk GeveciAssigned To => Bill Hoffman
2007-08-07 13:11Bill HoffmanResolutionfixed => open
2007-08-07 13:11Bill HoffmanCategory => Test Category
2007-08-07 13:11Bill HoffmanSummaryGoodsite => use nmake for trycompile in ms IDE builds
2007-08-24 09:30Alex NeundorfCategoryCPack => CMake
2010-11-10 14:51David ColeTarget Version => CMake 2.8.4
2010-11-11 13:33Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0023180
2010-11-11 13:33Bill HoffmanStatusassigned => closed
2010-11-11 13:33Bill HoffmanResolutionopen => suspended
2010-11-11 13:52David ColeNote Added: 0023181
2010-11-11 14:00Bill HoffmanNote Added: 0023182

Bill Hoffman   
2010-11-11 13:33   
This is too hard, so I am going to close it.
David Cole   
2010-11-11 13:52   
Plus..... Given that the IDEs support parallel project-level builds now, the IDE builds are generally faster than nmake builds, and approximately equivalent to jom-based nmake builds. So the report is mostly irrelevant now anyhow.
Bill Hoffman   
2010-11-11 14:00   
Not sold on that idea, I still think this would be a good idea. IDE is parallel when it builds lots of stuff. The try-compiles are usually only building one file, so no parallel is happening.