MantisBT - ITK
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0012236ITKITKpublic2011-05-29 17:382011-06-23 22:36
Luis Ibanez 
Nick Tustison 
normalminorhave not tried
0012236: itkConvolutionImageFilter has boundary conditions problems and shifts with even size kernels
When using a kernel of even size, the output image has a diagonal shift on the convolution output.
build attached file. [^]
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cxx convolve.cxx (2,330) 2011-05-29 17:40
Issue History
2011-05-29 17:38Luis IbanezNew Issue
2011-05-29 17:40Luis IbanezFile Added: convolve.cxx
2011-05-29 17:42Luis IbanezAssigned To => Nick Tustison
2011-05-29 17:42Luis IbanezStatusnew => assigned
2011-06-07 20:37Cory W QuammenCategory(No Category) => ITK
2011-06-08 07:27Cory W QuammenNote Added: 0026754
2011-06-08 11:43Cory W QuammenNote Added: 0026764
2011-06-23 22:36Cory W QuammenNote Added: 0026960
2011-06-23 22:36Cory W QuammenStatusassigned => closed
2011-06-23 22:36Cory W QuammenResolutionopen => fixed

Cory W Quammen   
2011-06-08 07:27   
I suggest padding the kernel by one pixel on even-size dimensions on the low-index side of the image so that the actual kernel used in the convolution has only odd-size dimensions. I'm working on a patch implementing this suggestion and will post on gerrit (and link here).
Cory W Quammen   
2011-06-08 11:43   
Proposed patch posted here:,1835 [^]
Cory W Quammen   
2011-06-23 22:36   
Fixed in git commit 399f419d0a02064a0722e1df820d5b3f3161caba.